Frame mockups & posters for your online print store.

License Information

What is a Standard License?

All our graphics come with a Standard License by default.
The Standard License allows you to use the graphic multiple times, in multiple projects. There is no expiration or end date of your rights to use the graphic, however, you do not have exclusive rights over it either, as anyone may purchase the same graphic and use it in his/her design projects. That means you can not trademark a product that you purchase from our website, if you need one that can be trademarked, please see: Custom work
You can always upgrade to an extended or team license.


✔️ Commercial Use
You can use our graphics in a work for a client. Only you, as a customer, are allowed to use/work with the files of your purchase.
Example: A client of yours assigns you to make Facebook headers, campaigns, including characters; the client should receive only your final design product, but not the source files that you purchased from us.

✔️ Multiple Usage
You can use our graphics in multiple projects for multiple clients.
Example: You purchase a character – once you use it for a PowerPoint presentation for a client; once you use it for a flyer for another client.

✔️ Unlimited impressions and print copies
There are no limitations based on the number of views (impressions) or print/digital copies on your project based on our graphic(s).
Example: You use our graphics for website illustrations – there is no limitation to the number of users seeing these graphics.

✔️Design Projects

✔️ Print or digital advertising campaign

✔️ Contracted work for a client

✔️ Educational and training purposes

✔️ Presentation purposes

✔️ Youtube videos

✔️ Holiday and party decorations

✔️ Books, scrapbooks, notebooks

Mugs, T-shirts, bags

Plush toys, souvenirs


Package designs

✔️ Other

✔️ If you don’t find it on the list – just ask us.

Not Allowed:

Commercial Use
You can’t provide the files to third parties, or a team, for that you’d need an “Extended license”.

Reselling the products to third parties
Example: Direct selling our mockups on other selling platforms

Prohibited Uses

You will need our Physical Product for Resale License if you create actual physical products, consisting of our (or part of) products.
This license covers you if you want to put our graphics on merchant products such as t-shirts, coffee mugs, bags, plush toys, etc., and put them for mass sale.

Reselling the products to third parties

Sub license
You may not sub-license and/or place any of our graphics, modified or unmodified, on website or any other media with the intention of offering them and offer them for redistribution or resale.

Use in Trademark or Logo

You are not allowed to use graphics as a logo (or part of), which will be trademarked. You can use in a logo, which won’t be trademarked.

❌Digital templates
You are not allowed to use our graphics in website templates (scrapbook templates, PowerPoint templates for sale, etc.), digital brochure design templates, e-greeting cards templates, do-it-yourself templates, etc.

❌On-Demand and Create Yourself Products and services
Galleries of automated image building systems (avatar builders, website template builders, flyers template builders, etc).

❌Pornographic, obscene, or libelous works
You may not use our products for any pornographic or unlawful purpose, to defame a person, to violate a person’s right to privacy or publicity, to infringe upon any copyright, trade name, trademark, or service mark of any person/entity.

❌Violate any law
You may not use our products for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. You must not, in the use of our products, violate any laws in your jurisdiction.